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40th annual superman celebration, celebrity guest, home of superman, metropolis, metropolis illinois, superboy, superboy tv series, superman, superman celebration, visit metropolis -

John Haymes Newton is best known for his role as Superboy in the 1st and 2nd season of the Superboy TV series.  He will be at this year's annual Superman Celebration June 7th-10th to sign autographs, take pictures, and do a live Q&A...and hopefully visit us at the Super Museum!  Mark your calendar for june for your chance to meet SUUUUPPPPERBOY!Newton portrayed Superboy/Clark Kent in 1989 during the first season of "The Adventures of Superboy" before being replaced by actor Gerard Christopher for the remainder of the hit television series.Mr. Newton was born December 29, 1965 in Chapel Hill, NC....

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